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International Conference on Intelligent Education 智慧教育国际学术会议


During the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the regular offline education activities were interrupted. In order to cope with the negative effects of the epidemic on education, digital media technology has shown many potential roles in primary school, secondary school and university level, and produced many interesting topics.



Therefore, this meeting aims to strengthen communication technology, social media and technology, computer media communication, big data, virtual reality, augmented reality, digital media engineering and other fields, and jointly discuss the application and development of information technology in the post epidemic era. This conference will introduce and share the current research achievements in this field and the future problems in the application of related technologies.




The meeting is hosted by Fujian Normal University and undertaken by the Faculty of Education of our university. It is planned to invite experts / representatives from the United States, Canada and other countries and domestic associations, as well as relevant teachers / graduate students of our university. Considering the epidemic prevention and control measures, the meeting will focus on Online meetings, supplemented by offline discussions. The agenda of the conference includes four lectures and international exchanges. The schedule is as follows:


Conference Venue

Faculty of Education, Qishan Campus, Fujian Normal University, No. 1 Keji Road, University Town, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China (350117)




※ Since the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic may make it difficult for some participants to arrive in China on time, it is possible that the conference will take the form of an online session. The details will be announced according to the situation.


Contact Information

Dr. Zhe Li

Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan

Email: lizheritetu@gmail.com & lizheritetu@163.com

Mobile Phone: +81-90-8196-7206 (Japan)

Fax: +81-6-6879-2247


Peiyao Su

Faculty of Education, Fujian Normal University, China

Mobile Phone: +86-13616007705 (China)

Email: supieyao@163.com