

赵嘉华   讲师   硕士生导师



研究方向:游戏化学习、数字化教学媒介设计与开发(电子书、RPG 游戏、ARVRAI)、教育科学、科学教育、语言教育


四川农业大学 森林资源保护与游憩    农学学士学位

玛希隆大学  科学与技术教育       理学硕士学位

玛希隆大学  科学与技术教育       哲学博士学位


担任国际SSCI期刊 Interactive Learning Environments 审稿人。




1. Zhao, J. H., Yang, Q. F., Lian, L. W., & Wu, X. Y. (2024). Impact of pre-knowledge and engagement in robot-supported collaborative learning through using the ICAPB model. Computers & Education, 217, 105069. (第一作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 1 top)

2. Zhao, J. H., Chen, Z.W., & Yang, Q. F. (2024). I do and I understand: a virtual reality-supported collaborative design-assessing activity for EFL students. System. 121, 103213. (第一作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 1 top)

3. Zhao, J. H., & Yang, Q. F. (2023). Promoting international highschool students' Chinese language learning achievements and perceptions: A mind mappingbased spherical videobased virtual reality learning system in Chinese language courses. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 39(3), 1002-1016. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12782 (第一作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院2top)

4. Zhao, J. H., Hwang, G. J., Chang, S. C., Yang, Q. F., & Nokkaew, A. (2021). Effects of gamified interactive e-books on studentsflipped learning performance, motivation, and meta-cognition tendency in a mathematics course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, 3255-3280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021- 10053-0 (第一作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 2 )

5. Zhao, J. H., Panjaburee, P., Hwang, G. J., &Wongkia, W. (2023). Effects of a self- regulated-based gamified virtual reality system on studentsEnglish learning performance and affection. Interactive Learning Environments. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2219702 (第一作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 3 )

6. Yang, Q. F., Lian, L. W., & Zhao, J. H. (2023). Developing a gamified artificial intelligence educational robot to promote learning effectiveness and behavior in laboratory safety courses for undergraduate students. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20(1), 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-023-00391-9 (通讯作者,SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 1 top)

7. Yang, Q. F., Lin, H., Hwang, G. J., Su, P. Y., & Zhao, J. H. (2022). An exploration- based SVVR approach to promote studentschemistry learning effectiveness. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2135106 (SSCIJCR Q1,中科院 3 )  

