

孔艺  副教授  硕士生导师





美国普渡大学  生物教育专业 哲学博士学位


American Biology TeacherCBE—Life Sciences Education (LSE)等国际学术期刊以及ASEENARST等国际会议论文审稿人


 “Let the love of learning rule humanity”——Phi Kappa Phi 荣誉学会格言



2.Kong, Y., Pelaez, N., Anderson, T., & Olimpo, J. (2019). Examining Teaching Assistants’ (TA) experiences facilitating Traditional versus active-learning-based tree-thinking curricula: TA perceptions, student outcomes, and implications for teaching and learning about evolution. In U. Harms & M. J. Reiss (Eds.), Evolution Education Re-considered: Understanding what works (pp. 117-132). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14698-6


1.孔艺,王蕾,倪锦月.基于心理旋转的小学生物进化树教学实验报告[J].天津市教科院学报, 2021, 33(05):57-62. (人大复印资料《素质教育[小学中高年级读物]2022年第3期全文转载)

2.孔艺,陈燕云,林靖.常见的进化树错误概念及其辨析[J].生物学通报, 2021, 56(09):1-5.

3.孔艺,林静.基于机器学习的科学论证自动评分个案研究[J].中国考试, 2021(08):61-68.

4.Kong, Y., Douglas, K. A., Rodgers, K. J., Diefes-Dux, H., & Madhavan, K. (2017). A size and scale framework for guiding curriculum design and assessment. Journal of Engineering Education, 106 (3), 431-453. doi:10.1002/jee.20172

5.Kong, Y., Thawani, A., Anderson, T., & Pelaez, N. (2017). A Model of the Use of Evolutionary Trees (MUET) to inform K-14 biology education. The American Biology Teacher, 79(2), 81-90. doi: 10.1525/abt.2017.79.2.81

6.Kong, Y., Anderson, T., & Pelaez, N. (2016). How to identify and interpret evolutionary tree diagrams. Journal of Biological Education, 50(4), 395-406. doi:10.1080/00219266.2015.1117514

7.Kong, Y., Guo, B. Y., Xie, C. X., Fan, Q. X., He, X. G., Yang, R. B., & Shao, J. (2009). The isolation via enrichment and characterization of 9 dinucleotide microsatellite markers in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Conservation Genetic Resources, 1, 353-355. doi: 10.1007/s12686-009-9081-0








1.Kong, Y. (2017, April). The Influence of Spatial Aptitude on Undergraduate Students' Tree-Thinking. Presented at the 2017 NARST Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 25.

2.Kong, Y. (2016, July). Implementation and evaluation of the MUET Curriculum in an introductory organismal biology course. Presented at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 16.

3.Kong, Y. (2016, March). Implementation of the MUET curriculum: Assessing novices’ tree-thinking abilities. Round Table Presentation (Round 1 A3) during the Education Share Fair at the 3rd Life Discovery – Doing Science Education Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 18.

4.Kong, Y. (2014, October). Development and validation of a Nano Size and Scale Instrument (NSSI). Presented at the 44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 25.

5.Kong, Y. (2014, October). First-year engineering students’ self-reported knowledge of nanotechnology – The development of a coding scheme. Presented at the 44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 24.

6.Rodgers, K. and Kong, Y. (2014, June). First-Year engineering students’ communication of nanotechnology size and scale in a design challenge. Proceedings of the 2014 American Society for Engineering Education annual conference and exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 16.

7.Kong, Y. (2014, April). Development and validation of a Nano Size and Scale Instrument (NSSI). Poster presented at the nanoHUB User Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 10.

8.Kong, Y. (2014, April). A model of how evolutionary trees are used in scientific research. Presented at the 2014 NARST Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2.

9.Kong, Y. (2013, April). Pre-service biology teachers’ tree thinking difficulties in the USA and China. Poster presented at the 2013 Experimental Biology, Boston, MA, April 21.